File Size

File Size

1. A file size is the measure of space a file takes on a storage medium such as a computer hard drive.
2. File sizes can be measured in bytes (B), kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabyte (TB), and beyond.

File Sizes in KB

Importance of Image Sizes in Webpage
1. Less loading time is most important for any webpage.
2. Prioritizing image formatting is one of the easiest way to speed up site's load time.
3. JPG images commonly used for webpages.
4. JPG file formats greatly decrease the file size and very less affecting the quality of the image.
5. PNG and  SVG files only used for logos, these file sizes is very more and produce lossless images.

JPG Image Size
Size of this JPG image is 186 KB.
JPG Image Size is 186 KB

PNG Image Size
Same above JPG file converted into PNG, then increasing size 186 KB to 1.43 MB.
File Size File Size Reviewed by Unknown on November 23, 2017 Rating: 5
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