Bit Vs Byte

Bit Vs Byte

Bit is single bit data and Byte is a 8 bit data in a computer.

Bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1.
Bit Representation

Bits Stored information
Computer stored numbers, images, text, characters, sounds and videos etc., in the form of  binary numbers '0s' and '1s'.
Bits Storage information

Voltage or Current Representation
By using bits to represent the circuit on and off states. Whenever bit represents '1' circuit is on and bit represents '0' circuit is off.
Voltage or Current Representation


Difference Between 64 Bit and 128 Bit Mobiles/Laptops 
64 Bit and 128 Bit Storage's

Byte is a 8 bits of a data in computer.
Byte Representation
Bit Vs Byte Bit Vs Byte Reviewed by Unknown on November 14, 2017 Rating: 5
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